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Of course, it would be silly to dismiss the impact of the music on the power of the Bond opening. Whether or not a title sequence is basic or elaborate, one thing all creative directors agree on is that outstanding sound design and/or music is key to its overall success. porn comics One point, which is key to the Bond title sequence with the lone gun shot, is where the initial sound or music cue comes in. Some films start the sound over the production company credits. Others leave the sound until after the picture portion has begun. Some titles also incorporate the studio in the animation, drawing the audience in even before names of the production companies.

Regardless of the method followed, we see the emergence of typography that seeks to match letterforms with the subject matter and even the zeitgeist — including typefaces inspired by art movements such as art nouveau, art deco and expressionism — as well as the commercial vocabulary of packaging design and advertising.

The concept of score visualization first conceived by Oskar Fischinger in his film “Studies” anticipates the effects created by Saul Bass in “The Man With the Golden Arm” (1955) and later by Susan Bradley in “Monsters, Inc” (2001):

Granted, in recent years the business of film titling has been terribly strained by the control of producers over commissions and their persistence in demanding speculative work as the price of admission. Creatively speaking, though, as filmmaking consolidates into the most powerful international cultural phenomenon of the 21st century, ingenuity in titling is a certainty. As designers have always known, the opening moments can make a deeply satisfying contribution to any film.

Hollywood animation studios, including Warner Brothers and MGM, did give some license to their artists to indulge in title antics. But one can also see that life for the titling crew at Disney was strained by the weight of its foreign-language versions and that film exports rarely encouraged innovation in titling.

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The percentage of good quality ECG values decreased significantly (by ~ 11%) over the 1 week of recovery (P = 0.0002) (Fig. 5; Additional file 1: Table S4), but did not change significantly over the 6 weeks of recovery (P > 0.05) (Fig. 6c, d; Additional file 1: Table S5). There were also no significant diel patterns in ECG quality. Throughout Experiments #2 and #3, the average percentage of good quality ECGs (i.e., QI0) was ~ 86 and 88%, and only a very small percentage of these fH data could not be manually calculated from the ECGs (~ 2 to 6%; Table 2). Following 6 weeks of holding, all tags remained within 0.7 cm of the pericardium, 80% of the incisions were fully healed, and 80% of anterior anchor knots and 70% of posterior anchor knots were intact. However, only 10% of incision sutures remained. All milli-TD tags were still securely attached to the dorsal muscle of the salmon.

There is a growing need for validation/feasibility studies prior to the use of biologgers , especially those that record multiple parameters or when they are being used in previously untagged or rarely tagged species. Physiological sensors are currently underutilized, but could be an extremely useful tool for advancing fish welfare and conservation efforts. For example, the fH loggers used in this study recorded good quality ECGs, provided quite accurate measurements of fH in free-swimming salmon, and could record small changes in fH associated with exercise, diel variation and changes in temperature. Using these DSTs, we found that salmon require a minimum of 4 days, and up to 2–3 weeks (consistent with Hvas et al. ), for fH to stabilize following the surgical and implantation procedures required. In addition, the tags allowed for the quantification of HRV in the salmon during a Ucrit test, and thus, provide a new avenue for research on cardiac physiology. Lastly, the centi-HRT ACT tags recorded values of acceleration that can be used to estimate salmon swimming speed and TBF, and are useful for determining when salmon are swimming steadily or burst swimming. It is our hope that future users of these DSTs, and other biologgers, will find the data and recommendations provided in this paper useful.

At 11:00 a.m. the following day (i.e., after 21–22 h of acclimation), a critical swim speed (Ucrit) test was performed on the fish. Specifically, the water velocity was increased to 0.6 BL s−1 (a velocity at which the fish would start swimming), and then increased by 0.2 BL s−1 every 10 min until the fish fatigued and could no longer swim. When the fish’s tail entered the back 1/6th of the tunnel, the back of the swim tunnel was tapped to encourage the fish to swim forward. In some cases (n = 5), after fish had reached their Ucrit, they were given a short (~ 5 min) rest period at low current velocity, then the water velocity was rapidly increased again to speeds above their Ucrit. From these latter trials, only accelerometry data were used (i.e., fH data were excluded).

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The percentage of good quality ECG values decreased significantly (by ~ 11%) over the 1 week of recovery (P = 0.0002) (Fig. 5; Additional file 1: Table S4), but did not change significantly over the 6 weeks of recovery (P > 0.05) (Fig. 6c, d; Additional file 1: Table S5). There were also no significant diel patterns in ECG quality. Throughout Experiments #2 and #3, the average percentage of good quality ECGs (i.e., QI0) was ~ 86 and 88%, and only a very small percentage of these fH data could not be manually calculated from the ECGs (~ 2 to 6%; Table 2). Following 6 weeks of holding, all tags remained within 0.7 cm of the pericardium, 80% of the incisions were fully healed, and 80% of anterior anchor knots and 70% of posterior anchor knots were intact. However, only 10% of incision sutures remained. All milli-TD tags were still securely attached to the dorsal muscle of the salmon.

There is a growing need for validation/feasibility studies prior to the use of biologgers , especially those that record multiple parameters or when they are being used in previously untagged or rarely tagged species. Physiological sensors are currently underutilized, but could be an extremely useful tool for advancing fish welfare and conservation efforts. For example, the fH loggers used in this study recorded good quality ECGs, provided quite accurate measurements of fH in free-swimming salmon, and could record small changes in fH associated with exercise, diel variation and changes in temperature. Using these DSTs, we found that salmon require a minimum of 4 days, and up to 2–3 weeks (consistent with Hvas et al. ), for fH to stabilize following the surgical and implantation procedures required. In addition, the tags allowed for the quantification of HRV in the salmon during a Ucrit test, and thus, provide a new avenue for research on cardiac physiology. Lastly, the centi-HRT ACT tags recorded values of acceleration that can be used to estimate salmon swimming speed and TBF, and are useful for determining when salmon are swimming steadily or burst swimming. It is our hope that future users of these DSTs, and other biologgers, will find the data and recommendations provided in this paper useful.

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В зависимости от выбранной техники и потребностей кожи массаж продолжается от 10 до 20 минут. При условии частого выполнения массаж не должен быть слишком долгим. Если делаете его 1-2 раза в неделю, процедура займет 15-20 минут.

Если эпидермис нуждается в методиках с более глубоким воздействием, после тридцати лет их можно делать в течение 7-10 дней. Либо выбирать курсы по 10-15 процедур до четырех раз в год. В вопросе, сколько можно делать массаж лица, значимым критерием является возраст. Юным девушкам хватит одной процедуры в неделю. А наличие явных изменений требует другого подхода – от двух раз в неделю. Оптимальный вариант – через день.

Создательницей буккального массажа принято считать французского косметолога Жоэль Сиокко. Она придерживалась концепции, что кожа – это уникальная система, где все взаимосвязано. Поэтому для устранения недостатков необязательно делать пластические операции, достаточно хорошего и регулярного самомассажа.

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В зависимости от выбранной техники и потребностей кожи массаж продолжается от 10 до 20 минут. При условии частого выполнения массаж не должен быть слишком долгим. Если делаете его 1-2 раза в неделю, процедура займет 15-20 минут.

Если эпидермис нуждается в методиках с более глубоким воздействием, после тридцати лет их можно делать в течение 7-10 дней. Либо выбирать курсы по 10-15 процедур до четырех раз в год. В вопросе, сколько можно делать массаж лица, значимым критерием является возраст. Юным девушкам хватит одной процедуры в неделю. А наличие явных изменений требует другого подхода – от двух раз в неделю. Оптимальный вариант – через день.

Создательницей буккального массажа принято считать французского косметолога Жоэль Сиокко. Она придерживалась концепции, что кожа – это уникальная система, где все взаимосвязано. Поэтому для устранения недостатков необязательно делать пластические операции, достаточно хорошего и регулярного самомассажа.

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